Selasa, 02 Desember 2014

Materi B. Inggris Kelas X all

1.Describing People's Appearance
 A. General :
      Positive : Beautiful is general used to describe women, handsome is used to
                    describe man,good - looking is used for both;
                    pretty is anther positive word to describe a woman
                     ( often the girl) meaning attractive and nice to look at.
      Negative : Ugly is the most negative word to describe someone;
                       plain is more polite.
B. Height and Build
     Tall and Slim
     Medium Height and Build
     Short and fat
     Medium height and very muscular
     Notes : another word for slim is thin, but slim has a more positive meaning,
                 e.g. John is lovely and slim, but his brother is terribly thin.
                 Skinny also has the same meaning but very negative.
                 it is not very polite to
                 say someone is fat; overweight is more neutral and polite.

C. Hair
     Straight / Lurus
     Wavy / Bergelombang
     Curly  / keriting 
     Fair : blonde(e)light brown 
     Dark : Dark brown, black

D. Asking questions about a person's appearance
     Q : What does she look like?           A : She's quite tall, with short fair hair
     Q : How tall is she ?                        A : About 1 meters 65 
     Q : How much does she weigh?      A : I don't know and it may be rude to ask.
                                                               Probably about 45 kilos.

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