Selasa, 08 Desember 2015

BIP Practice, All Class X Perawat

Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer with your classmate. use the following model:

Student  A (Nurse)
Greet student A.  a nurse ask about conditions patient

Student B ( Patient)
Greet student B. Patient asking about information illness .

Student A ( Nurse)
Tell him/ her conditions illness a  Patient. and nurse inspect.

Student B ( Patient)
Ask Student a whether about disease.

Student A ( Nurse)
Say that you information disease and suggestion to a patient.

Student B ( Patient).
Tell that you  see  nurse  

Build a dialogue with your partner based on the situation given:
( Buatlah sebuah dialog dengan teman Anda berdasarkan situasi yang berikan.):
( Present perfect tense).

1. Nurse enters the patient's room foe asking his/her recent condition.
2. A nurse wants to make the bed.
3. Doctor called you to obtain some information about patient.

Note: Minimal 3 orang dalam 1 group

Untuk Test praktik hari kamis tgl 10 Desember 2015.

Cara buat dialogue

1 komentar:

  1. Assalamualaikum,
    Bu?bip yg blm ikut uas trs susulan nya kpan ya bu?
